Exam stress

I think it's very important to understand why you are studying in the first place. I'm assuming it's because you have an interest in what you are learning, you hope to make an impact/help others in a career where you can apply your skills, and because you actually have the opportunity to get an education.

After you understand WHY, then hopefully you can begin to take some action.

I would really suggest sticking to a schedule. Use a planner with a calendar or a piece of paper and begin to figure out how much time you have in the mornings, afternoons, and evenings along with the time between classes. Then I would assign specific chunks of time dedicated to studying and STICK TO THEM. It's so much easier studying and recalling information early on than cramming. If you make time to practice during those specific chunks it makes everything way easier. And with whatever time you have left over, go to the gym, or watch a documentary, listen to podcasts over music. Do something fun.

Try to use different colored pens or find different ways of organizing your notes/studying. Make studying fun. Sometimes it can get boring and that's why we put it off.

Avoid distractions during those times you are studying. If you have to work at the library, then do it. Everyone is different. And don't be afraid to say no to friends sometimes and other activities. You have to work around your schedule too. For me, I used to always agree to plans when my friends were free even though I had tons of work to finish.

Get inspired. -Check out Cal Newport's book "How to Win at College" and "Deep Work" his other books are just as good too. He also has a blog called study hacks that you may find helpful. -I find Daniel Wong's blog helpful too. -Read about successful people in the field you are studying, read their books and watch interviews. If you're studying it, then you have to find ways to remember and remind yourself why. -I listen to College Info Geek podcasts

These are just some suggestions and tips I have used. Hope you find this helpful!

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