F9 Octawebs not being welded anymore

Yes the posts he wrote where he treated his previous speculations as axioms and then made completely ridiculous conclusions were quite frustrating.

Stuff like this, primarily his responses to people's complaints

So exactly what do you disagree with in that 8 months old post and comments of mine? Could you quote a "ridiculous conclusion"?

For example here's my comment you linked to that you "disliked the most":

The MCT is very likely going to be able to deploy different pieces of cargo on the surface of Mars, into near vacuum, under gravity, all automated, to prepare the Mars base for the first human crew.

Compared to that the technology of deploying satellite payloads into zero gravity and vacuum around Earth is easier.

So no, I don't think your argument holds. What is your basis for claiming that it requires a "complete redesign of the MCT from the ground up"?

  • The bit I called "very likely" has been confirmed to a significant degree with the ITS announcements: the first ITS mission is going to be fully robotic.
  • Deploying payloads under gravity into a dusty environment with a (thin) atmosphere is more difficult than deploying into vacuum around Earth - although deploying any payload in space is always difficult. Just compare how much time it takes to egress a rover on the surface of Mars (it takes weeks) versus deploying a satellite in LEO (a couple of hours max in routine cases, much of which time is spent on ensuring the correct orbit has been reached).
  • But I could have been wrong with my arguments, so I asked for your counter-arguments.

So I'm puzzled by your complaints.

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