I feel bored praying, what should I do?

Sometimes silence is an answer. The Creator neither wastes nor minces words.

The clearest and quickest paths to prayer are silence, stillness, and solitude. Contemplating and meditating upon the harsh, painful, and universal truths of life - the trials and tribulations we are all subject to - like aging and death, can quicken one's devotion to and patience in prayer. Deep reverence for the Creator and all of life can also blossom in these moments of contemplation and meditation.

Perhaps you are not receiving the answer to your prayer for a partner because the Creator wants to be that partner in your life. This may sound trite or unsatisfying, but it is worth pondering.

I will pray for you. In fact, I am praying for you as I type this: May the Creator fill and surround you with the awareness of the Holy Spirit within and around you. May you be buoyed in your times of loneliness and despair. May you feel the warmth and love that Creator bestows to those who are patient, humble, mournful, and ever-seeking.

You are not alone.

/r/Prayer Thread