Do you feel like you belong in the society you live in?

I live and grew up in a nordic country and our society is very narcissistic and ostracizing. You are seen as a freak or a lazy slob if you don’t have a job. One of the big problems is the myth that our healthcare is great when it is not even accessible. 1/3 people will get thei applicaton denied when trying to get help. So alot of people are in a situation where they can’t work but don’t get treatment or help. Being unemployed for a long period of time is very stigmatized.

Being an abuse victim here is extremely ostracizing. Do not get me wrong on what I’m about to say. I am grateful for living here. And we are indeed one of the safest countries.

We are being constantly told how we should love our country for being great and safe. From we are kids we will hear this from adults and teachers. It feels like major gaslightning. It makes it extremely comfusing for children who get abused and difficult for them to ask for help.

/r/CPTSDFreeze Thread Parent