I feel stupid as a customer of WOTC sometimes

I've said this in other comments (when talking about Shaman of the Great Hunt), but I did get to a point myself where I felt personally betrayed by WotC on the design of Temur.

I mean, look, I get that the clans are really just a cute theme to give the set a story - you're not supposed to build your deck around them. I get that. But there are certain cards that anchor you in the wedge - Shaman of the Great Hunt is a Temur-color card, it's meant to be used in an RUG deck. Temur Charm, Surrak, Savage Knuckleblade - they should be good enough to reward you playing an RUG deck, even if none of the other cards in your deck are actually Temur-watermarked cards.

They didn't do that. They didn't anchor you in the wedge; Temur Charm wasn't incentive enough to play Temur colors. Savage Knuckleblade and Surrak weren't good enough to get people to play RUG decks of any kind.

Siege Rhino was. Anafenza was. Abzan Charm was.

Now, the thing is - sometimes one card in a cycle is just better. Thunderbreak Regent is the only competitive Regent; Den Protector is the best Megamorpher; even Dragonlord Atarka, who is more powerful than the other Dragonlords, is hard to use than Ojutai, and Dragonlord Kolaghan sees zero play.

So I get that cycles will be unbalanced - it's a part of having a cycle. But I agree with you 100% that when one color gets the best card - in fact, the only playable card in multiple cycles? That's a huge, huge problem.

So I agree with you 100% - something went wrong there, and it sucks that it happened that way. I do feel cheated on the cash I spent on Temur cards - because the promise was, if you have these cards, you can make a deck with these colors.


It's just how things go sometimes, though.

/r/magicTCG Thread