Feels like a heavy burden off my shoulders. Because voicing one's opinion about a gold digging sociopath is liable to cancellation. Enjoy while it lasts TB. #getwokegobroke

Overtime Tiger Belly will die out rest assured, how long who knows, my guess is a couple more years. Khalyla will continue to accumulate hatred and vitriol because she can't help being a narcissistic self interested talentless hooker who over values herself and her talent while undervaluing the fact that she's already outted her true self. That cat is out of the bag on who she is as a person and there is no going back.

Her pension for self destruction and being an overall negative force to the people she's around will also run it's course. Manipulators often hand select weak people who have impressive amounts of denial to sink their claws into. But even those weak people eventually come out of the fog and see clearly, even Bobby will have his awakening. I'm predicting it will involve a new guy in Khalyla's life that will eventually flip the switch on in Bobby's brain when he realizes he's just a tool that's been used to provide financial security for Khalyla to enjoy a life of luxury with no actual talent of effort on her part.

Tiger Belly numbers will fall off when the schtick of them being a quirky couple dies off after people realize the train wreck isn't just a joke but a sad reality. Trash Tuesday will continue to be Esther and Annie carrying the weight of the show while Khalyla only provides hypersexualized narcissism and made up stories that portray herself in a better light than the actual truth. What I've realized in my short 40 years on this planet is that karma is a real thing and nobody who is living life on a negatively while harming others ends up in a happy life. Manipulative pieces of shit always end up biting the hand that feeds them one too many times and eventually lose their host. Then they jump ship to another place and start over with a new host and begin their parasitic lifecycle all over again until they suck the last drop of blood them, then on to the next.

No matter what Khalyla ends up an old hag. Women who've used their looks their whole lives to manipulate men almost always have a mid life crisis when their looks go away leaving them absolutely powerless. A beautiful gold digging whore at 25 years of age is just a gold digging whore with wrinkles and a saggy ass at 50. Nobody cares about what you used to look like, and if your looks were the only thing that facilitated your grift well your just shit out of luck. It's the reason you see so many old gold digging whores selling themselves to pay for plastic surgeries to chase down their youth that's already packed and left and is never coming back. How many times have you seen Hollywood B listers getting all that plastic surgery to go from looking like a 50 year old women into a 43 year old salamander. It just never looks right.

I've seen it time and time again with women. Khalyla will be that chick chasing the dragon going through a spiraling mid life crisis of plastic surgery and screwing young dudes who will manipulate her in much the same way she manipulated men in her youth, and Karma comes full circle. At the end of the day it's kind of tragic, Khalyla will perpetually walk the earth being disliked and repulsed and lacking the self awareness to realize her lying to herself and others won't alter the reality she's living. She's got a debt on all those years of whoredom to pay and father time is arriving to collect.

/r/khalyla Thread Link - i.redd.it