Looking for Partners MEGATHREAD!

**Primary Role:** Tank, Tankdom
**Secondary Role:** DPS, DPSDom

**Sex:** Male. **Sexual Orientation:** Heterosexual, Bisexual, Homosexual, etc. **Age:** Your real physical age. **Games Played:** Games you happen to play often that you can play with others or feel you could involve other people in. **System:** Your gaming system, if you happen to use a gaming console or a PC, make sure to let others know. **Timezone:** Your timezone will let people know of your availability as well as the general idea of where you live with breaching your privacy. **Opening Message:** *This will be your opening message. Be sure to fill this section with as much information as you like, really try to reel people in. Who are you? What do you want? Are you new? Are you experienced? Pet-peeves? Etc

/r/HealSluts Thread