So finally beat the game. The game is a perfect sequel to Shenmue II except for... (no spoilers)

I always found them a bit tricky. However, I'll be the first to admit my reaction time is always a bit slow with video games (I have Aspergers so it's even worse for me because I'm slow but cannot give up once I'm locked in, no matter how frustrating it is).

For a point of comparison there was this old Mac game called Dust that involved a (pretty cool) gunfight scene where you walk around town with your 6-shooter gunning down bandits (located on saloons with the swinging doors...etc). That scene took me mooonths then they frigging killed me by having this puzzle at the end that (to this day) I have not been able to complete. I've subsequently gone and watched a YouTube version of the ending (some ~20 years later) because the puzzle (even with an FAQ in front of me) was just too darn difficult.

They just don't make games as hard as they used to in general. I don't have the stress/tantrums I used to with any modern games. Thanks for the warning... while I looove difficult scenes like this (massive rush), I might have to play parts of Shenmue III in a private space with some calming music in the background and a big cup of water available.

/r/Shenmue Thread