What is an easy meal that can be made when hungry?

Boil a pot of water. Drop about 80 grams of pasta in it, with a pinch of salt.

Then crush some garlic up. Cut up some bacon. Fry them together. You know the bacon is cooked when it takes on a uniform red colour. You know it is over-cooked if that goes towards brown or the edges became dry. The garlic will stick to the pan if it is over-cooking. Bring the heat on the pan down to minimum when they are cooked (if you are still waiting on the pasta).

After 8-10 minutes, do a taste-test on the pasta.

If it is to your liking, drain the pot and mix the pasta with the garlic and bacon.

It's not the greatest culinary achievement known to humanity, but it will be tasty, it takes less than 15 minutes start to finish, and it is cheap.

/r/AskReddit Thread