Where can I buy parnate in the US , and how likely is it that my doctor will prescribe it too me? Also what’s the hype around parnate and does it actually work , are their any side effects ? I need help guys pls respond

You would need to find a psychiatrist to prescribe it. Have you tried any other antidepressants? It’s a lot easier to get if you tried other classes, like SSRIs and TCAs, because then the psychiatrist will think okay you’re treatment resistant now we will have to try out an older drug which they sometimes shy away from because of the blood pressure effects and diet restrictions.

That being said, you still have a good chance of finding a psych to prescribe it, maybe even if you haven’t tried other AD classes if you are completely honest and explain your anhedonia and how you don’t want to take SSRIs and you read MAOIs are more effective. Or maybe you get lucky and just find a doc who is amenable.

Yeah try that other sub for sure.

/r/anhedonia Thread