Flaxseed oil for a Garand stock?

I must have a warped sense of humor because all day I've been cracking myself up with the thought of leaving a post on the Carrington Farms fan site for all the vegan tree huggers:

"Carrington Farms flaxseed oil is the best thing on the market. Whenever my high powered semi automatic rifle gets dingy and dusty, Carrington Farms flaxseed oil brings the shine back to brand new. My friends all rave about this oil. I even have a Carrington Farms bumper sticker on the gun case I take to the Shooting Range. I make sure to take a bottle with me to show everyone. They all love it. Thanks guys! You have thousands of red blooded American gun toting fans!"

Then step back and watch the tree huggers have a collective heart attack.

Obviously I'd never do that but it's been cracking me up all day.

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