Depressed/suicidal people of reddit, what keeps you going and what would you recommend doing if those thoughts come to your mind?

To be honest what keeps me going is my boyfriend…I can’t think of what would happen to him if he somehow found my body or if he heard about my death. The look on his face, the cold grip that would suddenly take root in him, the emotions he would feel. I don’t want him to go through any of that. And while I love him dearly, I still wonder if it’s really worth living anymore. Tonight is one of those nights…I just can’t get happy. I can’t stop crying…my throat feels tight and my heart aches. But I’ll hold on, only because I know I have things to finish first. But if I could offer any advice is to find (healthy) coping mechanisms that make you happy or distract you from these feelings. They usually tend to work for me…but not tonight. Nothing seems to be working. I hate being alone. Hopefully I offered some advice…I think I’ll watch YouTube now…

/r/AskReddit Thread