Floated every day for last two weeks

There is always going to be someone who goes on the internet and says they just floated for a whole week straight, 2 weeks straight or a whole month straight. Everyone is always trying to show the world how special they are or how sophisticated they are because they just used a float tank. But rarely do you have someone go on the internet that has floated 10,000 times or 5000 straight floats. And the reason is that those of us who have been doing this thing called floating for many years don't really feel the need to share it with the world. So while its cool you did 2 weeks, you have no understanding of the tank from simply floating for 2 weeks. How about you come back to us in 5 years from floating everyday and then tell us your story. Btw i have done 1300 floats in the last 3 years but I don't feel the need to advertise this to the world or speak about anything floating has done for me, nor did I go on the internet and immediately talk about my first 2 weeks after owning a commercial tank or how special I am for owning a tank. Everyone is so bent on bragging these days, Taking pics of themselves inside float tanks, posting pics of themselves at float centers and posting on Instagram. "Look how evolved I am at the float center drinking my Kombucha". Is it possible for people to do things these days without making a show of it for the internet to see?

/r/FloatTank Thread