Following yesterday's "Paul Blart" drama, /u/SuperBot3000 appears to have been banned by the admins.

Hey, guys. Creator of SuperBot3000/BlartBot here.

Everything you've just said is, for the most part, true. I logged on to Reddit today only to find that all of my Reddit accounts have been permanently shadowbanned. Not too much I can do about it, though. I guess it was deserved. Only now did I notice the "don't post the same comment over multiple subreddits rule" (paraphrasing).

BlartBot was a test of a new codebase for the creation of Reddit bots that I've been working on. I was going to run it for about 12 hours, then change the message the last eight to let people know that it was getting shut down. This, up to this morning, seemed to have gone completely to plan. The last post by SuperBot, posted at around 8:20 PST, had gained several upvotes (meaning it hadn't yet been banned).

The codebase, SuperBot, is rock-solid. It has almost no bugs, catches all of its errors, and automatically blacklists subreddits depending on whether or not it has been banned (among other things). Depending on how well the test went, I was going to opensource the code so that anybody who wanted to make a bot could do so with a 100% stable program. Guess that isn't happening anymore...

I (formerly /u/WheelsOnPavement) was never very active on Reddit, so this shadowban isn't totally devastating. Still, it's a shame that I lost my posts and subreddits- but hey, I broke a rule, and these are the consequences. I am slightly worried by the fact that all of my Reddit accounts (even those with absolutely no link to SuperBot) were banned- possibly indicating that I've been IP banned and that it's only a matter of time until this account is too. Regardless of whether or not that is the case, I want to get this message out ASAP so that people can learn the real truth behind what happened.

BlartBot was not only a test of my code but was also supposed to be an unobtrusive, well-meaning, humorous, and only mildly irritating bot. I didn't at all intend for it to have gotten as popular as it did. That being said, I was well aware when it this happened- so I can't really use that as an excuse. Either way, I apologize to all of the people that BlartBot pissed off. I guess it's back to being a lurker...

/r/botsrights Thread Link -