Conservative Asks Anarchists About Antifa and Mutual Dialogue Ensues

Fascism is an extreme right-wing ideology based around ultra-nationalism, traditionalism, social conservatism, and class collaborationism. It is the ultimate anti-people political ideology.

All political groups have used violence throughout their history. Liberal society was born out of the violent destruction of the European aristocracy. American revolutionaries did not peacefully deal with loyalists, French revolutionaries quite famously dealt with reactionaries and monarchists in a very non-peaceful manner.

Violence is still very actively used today by the liberal establishment, the United States has been openly using violence in the Middle East to defend its own interests for a very long time, largely at the expense of the people both in the US and in the Middle East. It is this violence that has created many of the terrorists that the US uses to justify its continued aggressions in the Middle East.

Violence is alive and well under liberal society, liberal politicians actively use the liberal state to enact all manner of violence upon the working people of the world, and one day their crimes will come back to bite them, but fascism represents a far greater threat to the people.

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