French voters compare Zionism to 'Nazism, Jihadism,' public opinion poll shows

Leftists often think that Zionism is only for ultra religious right-wingers and never bother to actually look up the definition of the word. Whenever Zionism is brought up as the "evil extremists on the other side of the Israel-Arab conflict".

One of my favorite things to do is to help inform these mostly well intentioned liberals that they're actually Zionists, they just don't know it.

Well intentioned liberal: "I support Israel, just not Zionists, I condemn radical extremism on both sides"

TheMossad "Let me ask you a question, do you think that Israel has the right to exist, and that Jews have the right to live in Israel."

Liberal: "Of course! It's just those extremist Zionists that I don't support"

TheMossad: "You do know that Zionism simply means "Jews have the right to live in Israel" right?"

Liberal: "....what? Zionism is the ideology of those extremist settlers..."

TheMossad: "Sorry but that's not what Zionism is at all. Zionism means "Jews should be allowed to live in the land of Israel", that's it. There was Zionists protesting against the recent war in Gaza just like there were Zionists that were for it. The left wing labour party in Israel is called the "Zionist Union". Most Zionists are not religious at all, most of them are not settlers, and most of them are actually left wing politically. Anti-Zionists don't think Jews have the right to live in Israel at all, so they slander the name of Zionism and try to paint it as an extremest ideology, even though throughout history it was always considered a mostly a left wing and secular political ideology. So anybody who thinks that Jews have the right to live in Israel is a Zionist regardless of their political or religious views, which includes you!"

Liberal: " I didn't know that...I just assumed it was a super right-wing religious thing...everyone always talks about Zionism as if it's an extremist point of view so I naturally assumed it was."

TheMossad: "Well sadly, in many places in the middle east, believing that Israel has the right to exist is an extremist point of view."

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