Frequently Asked and Simple Questions Megathread

Cities: Skylines has its own wiki. In planning the public transports example Metros. Do I need to build them in the middle to maximize range?

  1. Speaking of metros do you always have it preplanned if the rules are standard? (Starting at 70,000$ progressive unlock). Or do you guys build it on the run?

I was amazed by the city planners ways on using the highway inside the cities however as a non city planner and non driver. I do not actually know how to effectively create small entry and exit like how they do it. I'm willing to experiment but I do not know where to start.

How do you guys plan the initial truck traffic in your first city? I got myself in a situation where there's a bunch of trucks, new residents and tourists clogging the entry. Now I expanded a new area I actually do not know how to plan a 2nd entry/exit.

What does it mean by avoid grid like city development? My friend keep telling me that however I can't follow on what he meant by avoiding grid cities.

I do not like manually emptying those cemeteries and landfills. Are incinerators and Crematorium enough to do all these jobs without the help of land fills and cemeteries?

Uhmm when to use roundabouts? And which situations should I consider making a roundabout? Roundabouts isn't really that common in my area.

I have more question about highways itself but I do not know where to start

Is it possible to make a metro/walking focused city? My grewtest aim is to make a metro/walk focused city to reduce traffic.

I heard I need to make my industrial cities and the garbage collector their own road. What does it mean? Do I need to separate them in a new spot?

Any tips on zone planning?

Speaking of which. Are large service buildings more effectice than the smaller ones? I was focused deep on the range that I do not know if it was efficient. No one was dying except for old age, fire fighting is still good, and crime was below 4% to be honest.

Is chils care and elder care ever useful?

Lastly education. Do i need to mass schools in zones that isn't reached by the green range? Does making public transport deliver people towards these educational institution helpful for commuters?

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