"From deep down in my heart"

What normies are able to do is to lie to themselves to convince themselves that they are boundless, and that their life is what they want it to be. See, every male would be 6'4'' large framed Chad Thundercock if he could. Every female would be a supermodel if she could. They're not, and they have to come to terms with this, but they don't do this through acceptance, they do it through repression and illusion. Incels are so far off the social ladder, so far away from the opposite sex, and the validation of the opposite sex that they can't maintain the illusion that this is how they want it to be, which is what normies are able to do, able to tell themselves that the life they had is the life they choose. Incels start to ask tougher questions and are forced to eventually accept the answers to these questions. There's a lot of common nonsense that Normies tell us: 1.) Women don't like Chads. They don't like the alpha, arrogant, loud, yelling, belittling, tall, muscled, 'ape'. All this is is sour grapes. When a woman is in middle school and starts to realize that these guys aren't paying attention to her, they're paying attention to the more attractive girls. They learn their place, but they tell themselves that they accepted their place, not that it's a place they had to find because their first choice wasn't available to them. They go into sports, they study harder, they becomes SJWs, they go into art. They see the Chad at the party, and then during the party, or after the party they need to tell everyone how much they didn't like him. What they're actually saying is, "If I talked to that guy I'd end up getting fucked." Males that can't be Chad, but have more value than Incels, eventually get an LTR or two, or maybe they're attractive enough to have a few flings along with LTRs, but they're not really dominate any room they enter level. They learn to place a huge amount of importance on the woman they're with because in the back of their mind they're not sure when the next one is coming, and they call this importance something that is better than being a Chad, and in fact, is the reason they're not a Chad, because they value what they have so much, and they're not that kind of guy. 2.) Just be nice to women. Chads aren't nice to women, they're not mean to women, they're indifferent to women, largely. They simply exist and women show up. They put themselves out there and women respond. They don't have to modify who they are, or pay attention to how women are, what they want, because they're getting what they want from women. From this comes a whole lot of advice. Just be yourself, just put yourself out there, you have to be confident etc. Where does Chad's confidence come from? I tried to walk up a mountain this morning, I didn't make it, it was the 1000th time, I don't really want to do it anymore. That path leads up a mountain?! I didn't even notice, I just walked up it. Incels get smacked down by women. They get ignored by women. They notice that they get treated differently. They notice that women try to attract Chad in groups, and that if the Incel talks to a woman, but Chad does something, wants the group's attention, or her attention, then it's gone. So the Incel begins to wonder, "what am I doing wrong," and the answer really is nothing. You just are wrong. He actually starts to take the advice of the TV and of those around him, and starts to try to be nice. He starts to think that if he pays attention to women, he can forge a connection with them. This is bullshit, it's just not how it works. And of course women encourage and bring out these behaviors in men. But, then, the incel is still alone, still unwanted besides as maybe, maybe an emotional tampon, some incels don't even get that status. He begins to realize even those around him that aren't Chads are getting more from women, that who he is, and what he does, does not matter. Why? And that's when you start to really accept that there is a hierarchy. No one wants to accept the hierarchy. Most people are so angry about the idea of a hierarchy at all. We get back to the earlier idea that our lives our bound now. Look how many people try to diminish IQ tests. The reason is because those will mean that someone is above them. It'll mean that the people above them might actually deserve those positions, they might be more capable. Feminists are another example. All the people that jump through hoops and look for societal examples of why blacks are better at sportsball. The truth is that from conception you can pretty much lay down a range of how this person is going to do with women (men), how this person is going to do at each individual sport, how this person is going to do in each individual academic area, etc, etc, etc. But, back to the original question, normies aren't in reality. They're in the middle of the bell curve, and so they like to believe that what they do got them there, that those that are below them aren't working as hard as they are, and that those that are above them are cheating. How much one works is going to push them up to their upper bound, but, they have an upper bound, and their natural ability is going to make it hard for them to fall too far past a certain point.

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