My GWENT comment was the most upvoted on Hearthstone's Live Stream Q&A: Journey to Un'Goro and Balance Change, (until they hid my comment from public view).

Tinfoil hat? Is that what you say to people to feign moral superiority or feign moral outrage or something? You should get a new catchphrase.

It only had thirty two likes because they hid it, I guess you don't understand what that means, it means people can no longer see the comment, or like it, otherwise it would have much, much more likes. The video was only 30 minutes old. At the time it was the highest rated by far, upvoted by Hearthstone players themselves, which are actually pretty laid back, and chill folks.

Robust discussion generated by comments like mine allows for more rigorous design decisions. If you don't think so, look at Hearthstone's latest Legendary card changes, I suspect they were brought on by GWENT's ingenious fifth card mechanic, which prompted Hearthstone to cut down on their Legendary duplicates.

I understand polarization, and demonizing people for having opposing viewpoints is all the rage, and what the cool kids do on Reddit, but some of us actually want those wholly universal CCG conversations to bubble forth, as it's more healthy for CCGs in general to have those robust discussions which lead to interesting design decisions. While my comment was initially admiration for GWENT, such comments can spark some really cool discussions if people are civil, and intelligent.

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