[Serious]Do you think depression is on the rise, or just more reported, and if so, what do you think is causing it?

I would imagine that depression might be rising as we become increasingly dependent on technologies and binging on overly-concentrated entertainment that condition us for more instant gratification and distracts us constantly. Instead of creating and fostering organic communities we hide our faces behind screens and interact by proxy on apps with boring blue backgrounds. Our market economy has many people striving to afford lifestyle accessories to aggrandize the critically important illusions about who they are that they carry around and mistake for their real identity; it further plays on insecurities, doing all it can to remind them that they are never enough, that they never have enough. We watch media that makes us anxious, frightened, and incomplete and then watch advertisements promising relief of them. Might have something to do that many if not most of us are living unhealthy, sedentary lives - eating garbage, watching garbage, feeling like garbage. Could be the pervasive unease and lack of direction, lack of purpose, cultural schizophrenia, and anxiety over the horde of social/political/environmental problems facing modern society. Could be that many people, in rejecting religion, have thrown the baby out with the bathwater and are no longer able to feel a deeper connection with the universe they came out of. Could be that our science has made us cynical, explaining away and reducing things like Wonder and Beauty and Love. Could be because we're selfish and so wrapped up in the idea of who we are and what we deserve that we suffer and curse the world whenever we don't get it. Could be because we've made the dire mistake of taking life seriously.

Or it could just be a lack of Vitamin D.

/r/AskReddit Thread