Story Time - Week of June 26, 2017

So after my previous date I posted about the guy who came after 2 minutes then asked me to leave, I went on a month long vacation overseas with family and when I got back home, I decided to hit Tinder again. I match with a lot of guys and I'm really picky. They have to be at least a 7/10 and taller than 6' (because I'm 5'9") So one guy was aggressively trying to meet me and he looked hot in his photos but it seems like the quality of his photos were weird, like slightly pixelated. So we took the convo to a chat app (not snap) and I was asking for selfies. He kept saying he wasn't a selfie guy (red flag) and didn't really care for any additional photos of me like underwear or anything, just wanted to meet up. I finally got a mirror selfie from far away and I was getting frustrated so cancelled on him but he pushed to reschedule for the next weekend. He kept saying "I promise you won't be disappointed." So I gave in and we met--I got us a hotel room. :P Anyways, we meet and he's super hot and 6'5" I was so happy. We had dinner and drank wine then got to business it was great. We got along personality-wise as well. So after a couple of days, I started feeling bad, sore throat and headaches and stuff and I was on my way to the doctor and got a text from him asking how I was feeling and he tells me he has the flu! I already knew I had strep throat because I've had it before so I go to the doctor where it was confirmed and got on antibiotics. I tell him he should also visit a doctor. He tells me he hates doctors and is pretty sure he just has the flu because his throat doesn't hurt. So the week goes by and we text every day complaining about being sick. We talk about meeting again once we're better. Fast forward one month later, he had to be treated for a heart infection during this time (side effect of strep I learned via Internet) and stupid me, met with him again and guess what, woke up with a sore throat again--strep and another round of stronger antibiotics. Told the doctor the situation and she said I have to tell him to be tested for strep and treated. So I waited until the evening to tell him. After some back and forth he said he talked to his doctor friend who said "it will work itself out over time." So I guess it was nice knowing you! We talked a couple of times on text about dumb stuff but that was it after that. Bummer because he was cool.

/r/Tinder Thread