No responses on oKC, not sure what is happening. Is my profile weird?

though his phrasing is a little aggressive, he's spot on. try to listen to the objective advice he's offering. straight up ignoring it is the unproductive part

If I have a preference in height, I shouldn't mention it?

no, because you're going to get messages from people you're not interested in regardless. putting it on your profile makes you sound overly-picky and that's plain unattractive in anyone, man or woman. if boob size was a dealbreaker for me and I put something like "This sounds dick-ish and I don't mean it to be, but I'm not looking to date anyone who isn't at least a C cup" I'd be the douchebag in that situation. same concept, just gender-flipped

instead, set up your message filters and filter out the people you don't want to talk to (whether that be because of their height or not). it takes two seconds to check someone's height and block them if you don't want to talk to them, and in the meanwhile you'll get more/better messages because you're not coming across as shallow

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