FS: Tons of plants (huge variety- easy beginner and high tech/uncommon species), as well as shrimp, fish, driftwood and more!

Hi there, thanks for the message! Here's the pricing on the individual stones that you were looking at:

So that comes to $7 for all four of them together.

I took some more pictures of the piece of driftwood that you're interested, this time including a scale for size reference (the grid in the pictures is 2" x 2" squares). You can take a look at those here: http://imgur.com/a/3TV5p

The dimensions for that piece are 17" x 9" x 6" (all measurements taken at the widest point) and the price for it is $14.

The cost of shipping will most likely be between $9-15, but I'll need your zip code in order to give you an exact quote. Also, the price will pretty much stay the same whether you get the rocks and the wood, or just the rocks by themselves.

Let me know what you think, and if you're ready to place an order, please include your zip code as well as your email address for paypal so that I can send over an invoice :)



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