I fucking hate prequel memes, I'm leaving the sub.

I can see how someone would think this, but I read a comment from someone a while back that gives a good angle as to why. These days, prequels are often made fun of in jest, while sequels are made fun of with genuine contempt. The flaws and silliness of the prequels aren't seen as a huge deal or are excused, generating discussions in order to justify said flaws with far-reaching theories or some other side material. The same is almost never done for sequels, with discussions getting halted immediately with "nope, writers/Disney just didn't care, story sucks, get over it." That and the fact that hordes of people constantly wish for the sequels to get decanonized or ignored. And after 3-4 years of this, it does start to get irritating

/r/StarWarsCirclejerk Thread Link - i.redd.it