Fun fact about the first SDR2 case

100 . Somethin' Bout a Truck

Average score: 2.322

Controversy Score: 1.849

My score: 2.

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Highest scores (10x1): NapsAndNetflix (7x1): leafsnash61.

Lowest Scores (1x31): Awhile2, BlasiFeelsSwift, letsallpoo, ExtraEater, PM-ME-YOUR-KITTENS, carlybaejepsen, spacebabe27,daybehavior, JoeThaMo, lowercase_thoughts, TeamAwesome4, listerningtosufjan, ThereIsNoSantaClaus, FuckUpSomeCommasYeah, marcryan, lordpraisewifi ,calltehshots, ImADudeDuh, wildcosmias, dirdbub, benster160, jonnl2806, noideawhatever, RandomPotatos, JoshuaReddit, whatsapilot, Jopalopa, darbythefourth, DoctorWhoWhenHowWhy, omgcow, PuggleMaster (0.1x3): Therokinrolla, Mudkip1, skiddos(0x2): seferre2, KobeOrNotKobe.

A boring stereotype of a song, not even exceptionally bad, except for the fact that he wants to fuck his truck. /u/Candyninja32 says “The title that defines country music.” /u/camerinian states: “Okay for real what is country music’s obsession with corn. Like I get the whole farm thing, but it’s never a wheat field or dairy farm it’s always fucking corn.” “This song definitely succeed in lowering my IQ level.” – /u/PandoraKris, I agree. /u/Jopalopa is accurate in his description, “This song fails simply by virtue of waiting half the song before getting to the hook. Kip Moore really wants all those bro-country tropes to stick in your mind. Well, stick they did, goddamn.”

/u/NapsandNetflix has basically the only positive comment here:” Kip Moore is underrated in the country community, so I can't even imagine what will happen here.” He places last, that’s what. /u/JoeThaMo gets pretty dark, “good thing I'm mostly over my depression because I'm pretty sure this thing would have pushed me over the edge.” Jesus.

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