[Question] Is it bad to record onto your laptops internal hard drive?

"The constant write/read of live recording" is saved data, though? To me, saying saved data is the same as saying write. The SSD has to look for an empty page in a block and then 'write' (save) that information.

Not sure what hard drive is being used but in the case of SSDs they'd have no problem running multiple applications and the OS at once. I record gameplay at over 2gb a minute with ease while playing my games at max settings and my SSD doesn't break a sweat. While I've never recorded music I don't see it using anywhere near a gb+/- a minute. On the side of wear... Write speeds are what use up the health of your drive but you'll still get years of service.

If your laptop has a platter drive I still don't think you'll have an issue. For example: A lot of people use Macs to record their music and almost ALWAYS have an external USB drive (platter drive, often only 5400 rpm) that does the trick. Granted their OS is running off of the main drive but the fact that you can run your programs through a USB drive without a bottleneck speaks volumes.

Great article on ssd endurance / wear and tear.

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