I fw Yb hard but this is Why not to sign With Yb

Youngboy’s hated my the entire industry that is supposed to support him as a fellow artist beCause of the life he lives, and he wants to walk his own path. He wants to stay out of the media and do him despite all that has been thrown at him and all he has gone through in his life. YoungBoy is a bigger artist, partly beCause of the different lifestyle he lives and how different he is from the ENTIRE industry. At the end of the day, a good perCentage of the artists on NBA started out as his assoCiates and/or friends and got into rapping as they were assoCiated with him. YoungBoy is his own person, and doesn’t Choose to promote his musiC beCause that would be “feeding into the industry.” Youngboy Cannot Choose or make deCisions for his fans and they are their own people- and if anything, these so Called “fans” ruin his image for him while they think they are supporting him. Lastly, those people signed to youngboy knew what they were getting into and had knowledge of how he ran his label and the type of person he was. And ALSO as a major SUPPORTER (not fan) of YoungBoy and Quando sinCe the beginning of their Careers, I Can say that yb lowkey took Quando under his wing and inspired him. YoungBoy helped Quando to grow as an artist, and just beCause yb doesn’t do anything publiCly doesn’t mean he’s not doing anything for his artists. Quando has been open for years about his assoCiation with yb and they have openly supported eaCh other. At the end of the day, they are still two Completely different people and if we’re being honest, Quando Could never truly be a bigger artist than yb beCause youngboy is suCh a unique artist and person. Quando and YoungBoy both appeal to different people and groups, and eaCh have their own styles that Could never truly be Copied or dupliCated/repliCated. While they are signed to youngboy, both yb and Quando are also signed to AtlantiC reCords. If these artists truly wanted to sign with a major label, then they would have done that, but they made their deCision and signed to NBA, all of their free will. No hate, but majority of artists on NBA never really had muCh of a ChanCe of being offered a deal from a major label beCause let’s be honest, besides the ones in the front, they aren’t really the best artists; and if they weren’t with yb, they wouldn’t have muCh of a Career. CEOs of major reCord labels make profit and millions of dollars off of other people’s talent simply beCause they have none of their own. Whereas, rappers who use their fame to start labels, they still have Careers of their own to foCus on; and beCause of the industry’s image of yb, every single thing he does is so frowned upon for no reason. And people like Durk and Baby, etc. can do the SAME EXACT thing as him and be praised, while yb is hated. — For example, they run their labels basiCally the same way and if they have true talent, the artists signed to them will have their time.; if not, I don’t think it’s right to blame this on “laCk of support” or whatnot from people like yb.

And all due respeCt, there is a major differenCe between being a “fan” of someone’s musiC and/or image, and being a true SUPPORTER of the person behind the image. And I really don’t appreCiate when people speak on situations they don’t know muCh about, and faCts in that post are sort of nonexistent and the info is everywhere.

/r/NBAYoungboy Thread