At this very moment, what are you doing?

Avoiding hanging out with people.

Im a socially stunted introvert,.

Context: my best friend and his wife are hanging out with their cross fit friends , I hate the sport. Crossfitters are insufferable to be around if you are overweight or don't work out. Plus I rather have a cold beer on a scorcher of a day thay is every day this summer. ( 80 plus days for the 45th day in a row. It rarely gets this hot for this long and usually we have summer rain storms.

So I'm hot, super tired from sleeping In a oven of a house. Really just want to sit in a AC tap house. Generally not in the mood to be around crowds and noise. Plus we didn't bring chairs. Who the fuck goes to a park for a event and doesn't bring chairs?

Shows you my mood.

/r/AskReddit Thread