G9 with a 3070

You don't need 200+ fps unless you are a competitive shooter professional in a tournament (and they would never use ultrawide monitors) , and even then, it's just a very minor improvement over 144hz, only noticeable when sniping fast moving objects.

This is a pretty decent video about the topic

You also have to consider input lag, server tick rate and how many frames your computer puts out (not just the monitor itself), and how well or poorly optimized games are.

For instance, Warzone is pretty poorly optimized, I can barely get 90 FPS at 1440p ultrawide on a 2080 at medium settings, and not many more on a 27" monitor either.

But I would still take 1440p at around ~100 hz over 1080p at 144hz+ as it makes the games more enjoyable.

200+ fps at high settings, at 1440p, on an ultrawide is not realistic on most games.

/r/ultrawidemasterrace Thread