Vaccination worth it for healthy people in mid-late 20s?

I understand your concerns. I know it sounds scary, but the myocarditis following vaccines is very treatable and not very concerning. Myocarditis is much more common with Covid infections than with the vaccine. It occurs at a much higher rate in people who are infected. If you somehow get myocarditis, you will be able to tell since you’ll have symptoms like chest pain or shortness of breath in the week or so following the vaccine. If you have those symptoms, you can go to the ER and they’ll treat you and you will be okay.

Getting the vaccine is much safer for you than getting infected with covid. If you choose to not get vaccinated soon, then you will have more covid scares and you will eventually contract the disease. Many young people, even in their 20s, have died from covid or have long-term health issues caused by covid. The fact that you’re slightly overweight puts you at a higher risk. I highly recommend that you get vaccinated as soon as possible.

If you’re worried, then you can always stay near the vaccine clinic in your car for an hour or so in case you don’t feel well. Also, feel free to message me on here and ask me any questions about the vaccine. I can help find answers and alleviate any of your other concerns. I hope you stay safe and healthy ❤️

/r/CovidVaccinated Thread