Game director Ben Lee commented that they “want people who love HS but also have other responsibilities to complete the levels without feeling they’d miss out if they don’t have time” but calculations show at least 1h of play per day is required now. Was Ben’s comment a lie or am I misunderstanding?

Because of HS is expensive to get in, most people i know playing are at their 20s who started years ago. Most of their playbase has their job and they dont have time to spend hours for months to get a couple of extra packs. Also those people are responsible enough to not tricked by cheap tricks like this Battle Pass nonsense. I have been always a gamer and didnt mind preordering before this revamp however i feel like im going to quit for good unless they cover this mess. 80 dollar for 4 months was already expensive, im in a good financial spot to handle expensive hobbies but not stupid enough to let them milk me with stupid business strategies.

/r/hearthstone Thread Link -