This game is rock, paper, scissor. Neither Survivors nor Masterminds are OP. Be more optimistic about this game

He's the same guy who called his audience ignorant if they felt this new update was broken "without testing it first" in a stream a few nights ago after the update. Many of the people on that stream had been playing way before he got on to try stuff himself so their opinion held more value. Then a day later he complained of Martins debuff ability.

Point is, he isn't a God and if someone tips you money simply for turning on your PC and then you call everyone ignorant minutes later. Why respect that person's opinion and bandwagon with him? We are all allowed to formulate our own opinions so basically telling everyone to just shut up and don't express themselves is ridiculous and if people would shut up, then perhaps this game won't get fixed.

/r/REResistanceGame Thread