Fox News host claimed that Trump's sons stopped doing business deals internationally, only to be proven wrong the following day when Eric Trump touted approval for a new Trump golf resort in Scotland.

I love trump supporters when CNN, NYT, or WaPo make a minor mistake, like referencing the wrong business entity or person and later correcting it, as some sort of massive evidence that they cannot be trusted. These news organizations always admit when they fucked up.

Fox News knows the trump kids are still seeking business endeavors outside of the US but they also know they can say whatever the fuck they want to their idiot viewers and they’ll believe it. Just show a crowd at a democrat rally and claim it’s a conservative rally. Whenever a republican does something bad, just put a (D) next to their name. Flat out lie to protect a corrupt leader. Peddle a conspiracy theory about Hillary murdering a staffer as truth.

They do it and they don’t even try to admit when they fucked up. They brush it under the rug and keep the wool over the eyes of their viewers while whispering in their ears they are real news and everything else is fake.

These same “fAkE NeWs” trump cultists are totally incapable of seeing how easily they believe fake news. I used to feel bad for them but I don’t waste my empathy on them anymore.

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