Gay Person of Color tired of the "why won't white guys date me posts"

That's because you find it racist, not all of us are. I refuse to give into being PC because I honestly see people as humans so asking someone that shouldn't be taken as an insult, unless you are assuming that your heritage is going to have an affect on how I see you

Any answer will not affect how I see someone, there are just a lot of immigrants in this country and it's cool to find out where people are from.

The simple fact is Canada was a pretty white country not too long ago, it's not really racist to assume someone who isn't white might not be from the country.

Again it's only racist if you think not being "Canadian" born or having "European" heritage is a negative, to me it's not at all, so I'll continue to behave the way I do.

Racism wasn't a thing till I went to school and learnt about it, it wasn't a part of my life, and I knew plenty of other races. I'm not giving into the "you are different and I have to treat you so" attitude.

We're all humans, I'm a geography nerd, and am interested in what parts of the planet peoples family are from. It's cool to learn about new cultures, and I don't carry the attitude mine is superior.

I am super mixed, Arab and European. My family is from all over to globe, and this sparked my interest in other peoples families especially in Canada where it seems everyone is a cool mix of something.

It's like when straight people get upset if they get asked if they are gay, that is homophobic because you are assuming being gay is a negative.

You shouldn't be upset if someone like me asks you your heritage because the answer is going to be seen as a positive no matter where you are from, I love the Earth and everything on it.

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