[WP] The Bible has predicted the end of the world, but as Christians awake on the morning of the rapture they find themselves left on earth instead of being taken up to heaven.

I should have been first. I've been good. My entire life, from the first day I entered the world I was good. 7.5 pounds, 20 inches, as healthy as can be. Naked I entered this world, and naked I shall depart. When I was seven, I prayed with my pastor, whose bald head shone as brightly as the gates of heaven would. Two weeks later I was baptised. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Buried with Him in baptism, and raised to walk in newness of life. His words still ring in my ears, warming me as I smile whenever I remember them. I'm a prime example of a servant, the first fruits of my parent's labors to raise a true servant of God.

I've missed church all of seven times in my life. Three times because of illness, three thanks to impassable roads, and once because I was simply too tired. Maybe that one day is the reason I lie here in bed, listening to the radio telling of how a third of the world's population just vanished with reports of strange cloud formations, UFO's, and phantom trumpet blasts. I've been left behind. But it's Sunday, and so I get out of bed and dress in my best suit and arrange my silver permed hair. The roads are rather empty, but littered with cars in ditches and cars abandoned while still running.

The church is full. A few members are missing, but that's to be expected. Still, we must not forsake the gathering together as some are in the habit of doing. We pray, the pastor preaches, we sing. This must be some trick of the devil, an evil scheme intended to make us stumble. But the Sunday School wing is empty, and so many mothers are weeping that their babes have disappeared. When we've finished our worship, some of us go and turn on the news. Starvation is no longer an issue, says the news anchor with her perfectly coiffed hair and worldly dress. The poorest billions in the world have vanished. Intensive Care units lie empty, known slavery brothels are suddenly without their means of operation, the dictators of oppressed nations no longer have subjects to oppress, and Child Protection is reporting a mass disappearance of its wards. It seems the most needy of the world are gone.

But why not us? Why not the faithful? We know the scripture and the songs, we've fought the good fight and run with endurance the race that is set before us. Where is our laurel? Are we left to face the Tribulation on our own? We were the first ranks of God's army, having given our entire lives to His glorious purpose.

A grey-haired woman's face has turned even greyer as she stands. She holds an open bible in trembling hands. She points to the page, and speaks.

"So those who are last now will be first then, and those who are first will be last."

/r/WritingPrompts Thread