Generally perceiving a lot of racism in BF3 lately...

[–]xavdeman[S] 1 punt 41 minutes ago  Ah look what a diverse vocabulary... "FAGGOT NIGGER OWNED" and "tell ea to suck my dick" What are your experiences with racism? Is EA really gonna let this slide even though I report it? permalinkopslaanbewerkenschakel inboxantwoorden uitverwijderenreageren [–]ItsJustDeltaNR-Delta 1 punt 34 minutes ago  Gotta realize that us admins can't be on all the time, and that a significant chunk of the remaining playerbase consists of people who never matured. Best thing to do is just use the @report <playername> <reason> on servers that have it enabled, and try to visit the clan teamspeak to see if any admins are online but not ingame. permalinkopslaanrapporterengold gevenreageren [–]PommeskoboldAlmteufel 1 punt 30 minutes ago  Most of the time when something like this happens, it's not real racism, it is just the hardest and most shocking insult your angry enemy can think of, he is in a rage mood. He doesn't know if you're black or white. he's just shittalking. I'm not saying that he isn't racist, no one can really tell from internet chat logs (everyone could just be trolling or being sarcastic, whatever), but you shouldn't really be worried or offended, just report him. He is already banned with one of his soldiers, so this is not his first time doing something like that I suppose. By the way, a rule on this sub forbids witchhunts, and this is something like this, I think it would be better if you censored his name and didn't post his battlelog. permalinkopslaanrapporterengold gevenreageren

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"it's not real racism, it is just the hardest and most shocking insult your angry enemy can think of, he is in a rage mood". Someone's mood doesn't make it any less racist, in my opinion that should not be an excuse. The attitude he has towards EA's enforcement makes me think that it's quite ineffective.

/r/battlefield3 Thread