Good - Anti-vax ‘Dr. Bob’ could lose medical license for excusing toddler from vaccines

Nope. Where is the proof? Its obvious that it exists to everyone but according to your stricts guidelines of what is truth, gravity should not exists. This is the thing with people that think like this. Everything is false and doesnt exist unless they find evidence or wait for someone to show them evidence. Of course you should always verify things for yourself. My problem is the automatic NO NOT TRUE, ITS FALSE CUZ NOBODY SHOWED ME PROOF. Thats unscientific as fuck and the biggest frustration i have with hardcore material reductionists and intelligent redditors who are religious about science. If there is no proof that something is real, it doesnt fucking mean that its not. It doesnt mean that it is, but its hypocritical as fuck to say its not. Stay fucking neutral, youre intelligent for a reason. Youre claiming that something is not true because of the lack of evidence, whithout having any fucking evidence that its not. Science knows only a fraction of everything and yes a lot of science isnt mature enough and is possibly wrong no matter how many people peer review it. I love how everyone conviniently dismisses one science atrocity and pretends sciencd is clean. In the 60s and 70s, it was a common scientific knowledge that cigarettes cause no harm. NONE. You couldnt find and present evidence that cigarettes are bad because the tobacco industy has control of that. It wasn't until DECADES passed that it all changed. Tin foil hat enough for you? Did science realy do us a favor all those years or did it lead us in a shitty place. Today, we have environmental agencies releasing bullshit about polution, dangers of climate change and so on. Bitch, you bastards knew of these dangers decades ago.

Anyway back to fucking gravity, no you cannot prove gravity, no there arent concrete ways to prove it, we just know cuz we dont float and fall if we lose our footing. Bing blong blung

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