James shit-talks PENTA (real nasty stuff)

Mehdi targets people he does not like OOC, IC. He has targeted people in the past, which has escalated their behavior in turn. Mehdi's treatment of Vale likely caused her to become more of an issue than she was. Vale had the wrong attitude, I agree, but he would OOC RP check her in just as poor fashion as she would RP check others. There are other examples, but I don't have enough of the details to include them here.

Mehdi also blames others for a problem he and Koil really created. When Brian joined PD and NA went full SBS with Brian, Clarkson, and Francis he blamed command for not being around after other cops left the timezone to avoid dealing with them. Streamers said they could take shit from one side, but not both; that they didn't like how they were treated in the timezone; command said there was nothing high command could offer them that would get them to move back to NA. Keep in mind, the members of PD who left the timezone and never returned are respected officers.

He's a part of the same echo chamber as the rest of the "top" people on the server.

/r/RPClipsGTA Thread Parent Link - clips.twitch.tv