Top 10 Facts About Vaccines You've Never Heard Of

Actually, they are NOT minute typos...this is bullshit that anti-vaccine organizations pull ALL THE FUCKING TIME. I've read through your posting history, here's what I've notice:

  1. You think you understand science. You don't. The fact you use pseudo-scientific sources shows this to be the case. People who understand science don't spend their time in /r/conspiracy. They spend their time posting and reading legitmate sources.

  2. You are incapable of any sort of critical thinking because in order to have critical thinking, you need to have knowledge. In order to have knowledge, you need to have researched. Research quality matters more than quantity. You claim to have spent months doing research. Oh I believe you, but the research you did is of piss-poor quality and it shows. Do you know how long it took me to completely shred your ten points? HALF A FUCKING HOUR. HALF AN HOUR. I destroyed them. Do you know how? I actually critically think and I have a good knowledge and research base.

  3. Your arguments all hinge on political and legal arguments. Politics and legal arguments are not the “court of scientific” evidence. Want an example? In some states people are suing to have “divine creation” taught in a science class. No, this isn’t a straw man. Yes it is an example of why political and legal arguments are complete bullshit when it comes to science. If you want to argue vaccines, come at me with scientific arguments, not political and legal ones. You’ve tried, I’ve shown why morality rates are not as important as incidence in the grand scheme of things. I’ve also shown why the number of vaccines you claim were given is entirely wrong.

  4. You use dated sources and keep asking the same question over and over again. Even when it's answered. It's not that you don't comprehend what is being told to you. It's that you don't WANT to comprehend what is being told to you. This is the hallmark of someone not interested in the truth. This is why your post was removed from /r/changemyview.

  5. Your defensive mechanism is to say someone is making ad hominem attacks on you. This is far from the case, they aren't ad homimens. They are, in fact, very valid attacks on your ill-formed, and uneducated point of view. And yes, it does matter that you post in /r/conspiracy. Why? Because it shows how seriously you should be taken (not very) but it also shows that you subscribe to un-proven, opinion-formed, ill-researched information. Hell, you know what passes as acceptable sources in that sub? YouTube videos – how much more lazy can people get?!?

  6. You claim that your posts are "true," however you have failed to show any shred of truth or evidence in any of your posts. Your posts are built up on fraudulent pretenses (I reference the number of vaccinations for that one). Nothing that you’ve posted is remotely close to truth, they are half-truths. They don’t show the big picture, they show only a piece of it. Example: the paper you referenced about the MMR vaccine safety. Guess what, you didn’t read the paper – it’s painfully obvious – you read an abstract that didn’t even contain the entire conclusion. This is what anti-vaxers do..a lot…and it’s complete bullshit.

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