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The google guy's girlfriend just keeps shilling her genetics tests online, with a bonus 'Let us know what you think in the comments below' thrown in.

The google guy's girlfriend just keeps shilling her genetics tests online, with a bonus 'Let us know what you think in the comments below' thrown in.

I want you to realize how deep into a conspiracy you have to go to think I am somehow selling a product. If you look on my reddit account, I am a mod, I have been around for a couple months, and I have not spoken at all about any products whatsoever. I have been active everyday for many months. I am not a bot and you can clearly see that.

So, what you're saying is that somehow the genetics testing company in question either made a reddit account, did months of being a redditor, and then tried to sell you something in the least successful way possible. Or, that I had sold my account - which would never have sold with my tiny amount of karma - and they fabricated this story. This is not sensible. This is full conspiracy garbage.

Look, I want to bring you into how terrible this was for me a bit. I had family who were some of the most racist, bigoted people on earth. To be related to such awful people made me feel like I was less than. Finding my aunt, seeing how successful and kind she was gave me hope I would never be my family. I wanted to share that with people because man if that wasn't such a big deal to me. It is easily one of the best things that has happened to me in a long time and I wanted to share it. Then, I start getting comments its all fake. None of it could be real. Do you want to read some of the PMs I got because of you?

You're right in one big aspect. It is a shame we cannot get together and talk without a bunch of redditors screaming "AD" because I mentioned I product. You can be mad I mentioned a product, go ahead, but why the malice?

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