gravity works differently on campus?

ANALYSIS: Homestuck fan, miitopist, homestar runner (hopefully running all the way to the bank you don't have money at!!!). First off: We don't live in a MIITOPIA we live in UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA!!! Second off. Third: Okay don't be on me like you're on reddit too late at night (refer to sentence three), but I think you need to stop fooling around with people. I've seen what you're doing and you're making miis of me, other gators, and their famimiis. Homestar was made to keep people like you and other gators from lashing out like this, some good that did. GO TO SLEEP NOW!!!

You may call me a hypocrit but I'm working on my thesis for my art degree. Try doing that while dealing with the gravity on campus.

/r/ufl Thread Parent