What are your guys thoughts on Chat GPT?

You should be more worried about college being entirely obsolete next year than the ethics of using Chat-GPT to do your work. Literally everything done in every field is only going to —have been— useful because it fed the biggun autocompleter. Why should we need you all to write your own essays? Why do we need essays written anymore? These are the more serious questions to ask.

Wouldn’t you all rather be learning for fun and socializing with each other instead of jumping through hoops? And if you’re going to stick to jumping through hoops shouldn’t you do it in the way it’ll be done for the next thousands of years instead of the method that was already very obsolescent before Chat GPT was released?

I guess some people will stick to the old ways like the Amish and there is nothing wrong with it. But this isn’t something convention or tradition is going to win.

/r/ufl Thread