I know it may seem unfair, but hear me for a sec and I might get a lot of hate for this. I have not watched any of the Star Wars films.

But when someone is talking about Star Wars, I would ideally guess it's the first one as well, but wait are they really talking about the one released in 1977 or are they talking about the first episode released in 1999. I wouldn't know for sure, I don't know the chronology, I don't know what's going on. And that's confusing. So I feel it's always better to be a bit more precise.
It helps the other people in the sub who don't know the movies.

But I totally understand what you mean and if the mods and others feel the same, I don't mind awarding u/redbaks for the correct answer.

/r/GuessTheMovie Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it