Postal workers rally public support to block DeJoy's plan to weaken mail services

The PAEA wasn’t just bad government regulation, if you think it was just a whoopsy doodle you’re mistaken. I very very rarely “both sides” shit because it’s generally not an accurate statement, but in this case the PAEA was passed with bipartisan support look at the counts in that link. Did Trump attack the USPS through Mnuchin? Yes he absolutely did and it’s fucking gross. I am in no way saying that Trump is blameless, however the USPS was already on the ropes due to the shitty legislation passed with bipartisan support. I’m not playing the enlightened centrist or whatever, I just think it’s really important that we don’t only look at the parts of problems that involve Trump but also the problems that made it so easy for him to do the shit he did in the first place.

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