Guy Carries 20k Cash Through San Francisco Airport When it Gets Seized by the DEA.....

Observe the general trend and act. Is liberty and freedom trend going to hell? is surveillance getting way too excessive for people that in 95% of the cases have only received a few parking fines in decades ( and they know it)? Are financial terrorist creating worse and worse attacks against liberty, against ethics, poisoning democracy through corruption and lobbying and getting bigger and bigger rewards for it? Are media corporations failing more and more to the truth? Are the autoimmune executive supposedly designed to protect system cells like us killing and robbing us instead? leukemia?

What is the long term trend for those realities? Do you think it will be solved magically and suddenly everything will be awesome? Or are we in a system that had lost its ability to autocorrect and it will only change direction when the growing stupidity and failure to disrupt the inertia crashes in such a huge dramatic and catastrophic situation that even the most stupid human being notices we are over-sold in retardeness like when bitcoin changes long term trend after getting way too retarded in one direction or the other?

What is the trend? Are you going to hodl your political, economical, freedom failure alegiance during the crash hoping for the best? Because It might kill you. Societies only learn after huge pains are inflicted over them and every single one and his cousin learns what was the society mistake.

Maybe you should not be hodling the economic and political stupidity where you live now until the crash (a ww war? a catastrophic famine? some third reich police state bullshit situation?). What IS the trend?

Hodl bitcoin, not bullshit.

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