This guy has to shit

Here's the rest: Tom: What you doing today? Tom: Wake up!!

Joe: Why what's up? Joe: Why did you want to know what I was doing?

Tom: Why not? Lol

Joe: Dude you have to stop answering questions with questions! why did you want to know what I was doing today and no I'm not a grumpy ass or pussy ass or anything like that I just asked a simple question and you asked a question back to my question that's not how the world works

Tom: ummm... Ok let's start over.
Tom: What you doing today?

Joe: Again you answered my question with a question I asked you why did you want to know what I was doing today and you asked me again

Tom: What the fuck did you ask me????

Joe: Why do you want to know what I'm doing today Joe: That is what the fuck I asked you

Tom: And why do you have to know? Tom: Are you bored or something

Joe: Dude you fucking asked me what the fuck I was doing today and I asked you why do you want to know

Tom: Exactly! you answered my question with a question Tom: I can't tell if you're being a smart ass or truthful

Joe: Dude it's a simple as fuck in that why the fuck do you want to know what the fuck I'm doing today yes I answered your fucking question with a question but my question went toward yours why do you want to know Joe: But this way just tell me why the fuck do you want to know what I'm doing today Joe: By the way the answer to your question I got a shit but I can't walk to go take a shit that's what I'm doing today try to hold my shit Tom:
I thought it was something like that. Just take it easy

Joe: What the fuck do you think I'm doing that's why I haven't taken a shit and I'm holding it and taking it easy from walking Tom: Man ... you really need to go take a shit! You should start considering whether or not you should just shit your pants. You're getting pretty fucking grumpy Joe: No I'm not getting grumpy just you being a dumb ass as usual

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