Happy cows returning to the pasture after a long winter in the cow shed

Oh come on, surely you must have enough self awareness to understand what you are doing?

This is how most arguments that aren't just some stupid jokes go from the threads that reach /r/All

Why do you eat meat?

I like it.

Do you not want to be vegan?

No, I like animal produce.

Vegan food is good.

Sure it is, but I still enjoy meat/dairy.

Well you could enjoy foods that are ethical just as much (or whatever slightly snarky comment to not directly say but establish that smug superiority) And when people call it out, "oh no, I'm just explaining"

I can see how, if you're insecure about your own position, you would take everything I say about it as condescension and high-horsery.

I mean fucking look at it. That is literal superiority bullshit you are pulling here.

I think that the fucking "oh lol burger" and "that's why i'm vegan" comments are stupid and pointless, but this fucking smug "Here is why I'm better than you, and why with every reply I'm gonna hint at it" is just insufferable.

/r/tippytaps Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com