PSA: Use This Image To Spread The Word, SC is more or less on schedule

Yeah, I'm an industry insider and deal with a LOT of "casual", or normal gamers on a daily basis. Sometimes hundreds per day. The overall, never-ending line of complainants are of the "this is never coming out" variety. They have done no research 90+% of the time, never even bothering to google "Star Citizen" or watch a single YouTube Video. This is the masses, and they just hear about it from someone, or hear about it on some YouTube Video from someone who knows almost as little as they do, and just keep echoing it and perpetrating the mass-misinformation issue. This has helped me with every single one of them. Several of them have said, "Well okay but its just too complicated", and for that I simply walk through everything, in a very short but detailed summation. That has taken care of them all, and I can get quite a few of them to back. Every day I get a few. I should probably have the use my coupon code TBH, but it's whatever I have A LOT of ships and creds and stuff already, been throwing thousands per year at this shit since 2011.

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