'Pay it forward' taken to whole new level after stranger pays for man's $100 petrol bill

This craze is such bullshit. It's pointless. The only person to benefit in any way is the one that stops the cycle by not paying it forward.

Up until that point it's a net aggregate of zero insert units here dollars-feels community vibes-what-fucking-ever.

You've done nothing if you're not the first or the last person involved in the chain. Someone paid your $50 grocery bill so you pay $50 to someone else next in line. So fucking what? You've paid your grocery bill. Congratulations. You've accomplished absolute zero in the scale of things.

I understand that it's nice to pay for someone who doesn't have the money, say. That's on the person that initiated it, though. You weren't generous enough, in the middle of the chain, to think of helping someone out. You've gone along with an internet fad. Your generosity forced upon you by shitty journalists who have no other skills apart from trolling social media to gauge the community's latest, tragic obsession with chain-letter like drudgery.

Charity is not crowing about your philanthropy on the inter-webs. You are not a better human for spending money that you were going to spend anyway and still receiving the goods or services you intended to receive.

This craze is bullshit.

/r/australia Thread Link - smh.com.au