Probably the most important piece of career advice I've learned so far. Never underestimate how quickly your boss will start trying to manipulate you when they get the sense that you've outgrown your position and don't want to lose your production.

I had a performance review with a person who had only been my boss for about a month even though the review was for that past entire year. Essentially he had no idea whether or not I was doing a good job, but asked my manager who had only been in her role for about a month everything that she thought of me. Manager had previously been in my role and I had told her a few things about jobs I was applying and interviewing for when we were just colleagues. But when she got promoted, she revealed these to new boss man.

Anywho, performance review is a farce, lots of vague criticisms but no specific examples, but he makes casual mention to my pursuit of other jobs, saying stuff like "there is no other job but this one, you'll need to watch out when they call here for a reference," stuff like that. Went about half a year going into work feeling trapped, like I couldn't leave because they'd screw me over for whatever my next thing was, but hated being there in the meantime. Only did I realize later on after temporary boss man went back to not being my boss and regular nice boss returned that it was just a scare tactic to keep me to stay. I would've been much more receptive to "Hey GoesOff_On_Tangent, I know you're wondering what your next opportunity is, and you're probably not going to be here forever, but until that opportunity arrives, this job right now it your main priority" but he went with the vague threat route. I made decent money since then and things kind of improved when regular boss came back, but still thinking about that makes me furious. I won't be working for those assholes much longer.

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